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Старый 11.12.2009, 16:44   #1
Аватар для Orujeinik

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По умолчанию Celldweller - Wish Upon A Blackstar [Chapter 2 of 5] (2009) Deluxe Edition

Исполнитель: Celldweller
Альбом: Wish Upon A Blackstar [Chapter 2 of 5] Deluxe Edition
Дата выпуска: 2009
Количество композиций: 50
Стиль: Industrial Rock | Electronic
Формат | Битрейт: MP3 | 320 kbps
Размер: 259 mb


01. Eon (6:42)
02. The Best It's Gonna Get (4:50)
03. Eon (Instrumental) (6:40)
04. The Best It's Gonna Get (Instrumental) (4:51)
05. The Best It's Gonna Get (SVH Intro) (5:30)
06. The Best It's Gonna Get (SVH Intro Instrumental) (5:31)
07. So Long Sentiment (Toksin's Anhedonia mix) (6:08)
08. Eon (Beta Cessions 12-08-2005) (0:40)
09. Eon (Beta Cessions 12-15-2005) (0:56)
10. Eon (Beta Cessions 02-02-2006) (0:43)
11. Eon (Beta Cessions 02-09-2006) (1:04)
12. Eon (Beta Cessions 12-02-2006) (0:37)
13. Eon (Beta Cessions 12-07-2006) (0:23)
14. Eon (Beta Cessions 12-14-2006) (1:07)
15. Eon (Beta Cessions 12-15-2006) (0:45)
16. Eon (Beta Cessions 05-21-2007) (0:38)
17. Eon (Beta Cessions 11-17-2009) (0:34)
18. Eon (Beta Cessions 11-19-2009) (0:34)
19. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 10-13-2006) (0:37)
20. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 10-16-2006) (1:01)
21. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 10-25-2006) (0:59)
22. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 11-03-2006) (0:52)
23. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 11-11-2006) (0:26)
24. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 11-14-2006) (0:52)
25. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 12-08-2006) (1:16)
26. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 01-22-2007) (0:22)
27. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 03-31-2007) (0:50)
28. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 04-26-2007) (1:19)
29. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 04-27-2007) (0:50)
30. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 04-28-2007) (1:03)
31. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 05-02-2007) (0:41)
32. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 05-07-2007) (0:35)
33. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 05-14-2007) (0:48)
34. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 05-23-2007) (0:35)
35. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 05-27-2007) (0:35)
36. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 05-28-2007) (0:40)
37. The Best It's Gonna Get -Through The Gates (Beta Cessions 06-17-2007) (0:39)
38. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 07-14-2007) (0:26)
39. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 07-15-2007) (0:52)
40. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 07-16-2007) (0:39)
41. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 02-21-2009) (0:46)
42. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 02-23-2009) (0:17)
43. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 04-18-2009) (0:39)
44. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 04-21-2009) (0:59)
45. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 10-14-2009) (0:52)
46. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 10-15-2009) (0:52)
47. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 10-17-2009) (0:51)
48. The Best It's Gonna Get (Beta Cessions 10-21-2009) (0:41)
49. Eon (Klayton's Commentary) (8:38)
50. The Best It's Gonna Get (Klayton's Commentary) (24:05)

Скачать бесплатно: Celldweller - Wish Upon A Blackstar [Chapter 2 of 5] (2009) Deluxe Edition

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