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Старый 08.02.2020, 16:45   #1
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По умолчанию Sergei Trofanov (Сергей Трофанов) - 4 альбома (2001-2006) FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

Sergei (Сергей) Trofanov (Трофанов) - 4 альбома (2001-2006) FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

Жанр: Folk, Gypsy, Violin Instrumental, World, & Country
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Формат: FLAC
Тип рипа : tracks +.cue
Общая продолжительность: 04:17:22


Born in Moldova (ex-USSR), September 9th 1960, I grew up in a village bordering the tzigane (gypsy) quarters. My father, a musician and a professional dancer, introduced me to a number of instruments such as the accordion, the balalaika and the pan-flute. Around the age of 5, while attending to a village celebration with my father, I was attracted and charmed by the sound of a violin played by a very amusing Gypsy. The gypsy played with such energy, such a passion, I was overwhelmed!
The violinist also happened to be a close neighbor. I frequently visited him and just like any other child in the house, I learned to play the violin through oral traditions. The gypsy maestro quickly became my teacher and left forever an impression that still can be heard today in my way of playing. With time, I discovered the immense possibilities of this instrument. I knew I could express with my violin, any emotions I felt.
A few years later I pursue my passion by enrolling in music school and taking up classical music studies. Alongside my close circle of musicians, at ten years old, I give my first performances at local celebrations, marriages and private parties. This considerable training coupled with the remarkable skills I had developed as a performer, paved the way to the Conservatory of Kishinev, capital city of Moldova.
Later, at 22, the compulsory military service of my country would lead me to join one of the Red Army's orchestras as an experienced violinist. Later at 24, I passed with flying colors audition, and become a violinist in the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Moldova "Jok" in which, from time to time, I am asked to perform as solo violin.
My career soars soon after. On many occasions, I am invited to join various orchestras that are called upon to perform at national celebrations and major events. At times, I play with internationally renowned musicians. At this point of my artistic career, I make many television and radio appearances, as well as a series of musical recordings and video productions. Before coming to Canada, I toured extensively, stopping over in places such as England, Italy, Czech-Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Ex-Yugoslavia, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Madagascar, and Mauritius. Since my arrival in Montreal in 1991, I have been enjoying an international career, constantly performing in many Canadian and American cities such as Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Winnipeg, New York, Chicago and many others. Overseas, I went on tour in France and in Japan, (4 years in a row).
Quickly after my arrival, I was noticed by someone from the television industry and appeared as a guess star on CBC Television, (our National coast to coast television network). Many television appearances followed this first one and my popularity grew quickly. In October1999, my carrier kicks off with a recording entitled Gypsy Passion, followed one year later by a second recording, Gypsy Passion II: Romance. More recently, during the spring of 2003, I produced under my own label, Scala Disc, my third album entitled Sergeï Trofanov and his Ensemble, all in a Gypsy fashion!
All the repertoire I played over the years must come together. Because of my roots and of the traditional oral teaching I received, because of these numerous trips all over the world and the many influences from all the different rhythms, I play today with the greatest pleasure, always in a gypsy fashion.

2001 - Gypsy Passion

Страна: Canada
Жанр: Violin Instrumental
Год выпуска : 2001
Формат: Flac
Тип рипа : tracks +.cue
Битрейт аудио : lossless
Продолжительность:1 hour 16 minutes 8 seconds

1.Moldova (4:36)
2.Corsica (3:42)
3.L'Aube (4:10)
4.Boucles D' Or (5:14)
5.Adios (4:28)
6.La Boheme (4:16)
7.Beltz (3:49)
8.Night Fall (4:19)
9.Yamshick (2:39)
10.Les Yeux Noirs (2:09)
11.Deux Guitares (4:55)
12.Yiddish Mamme (3:01)
13.Danse Hongroise (2:50)
14.Gnossienne No. 1 (3:39)
15.Cazrdas (4:56)
16.L'Alouette (2:15)
17.Russian Medley (3:53)
18.Tzigane Russe (3:51)
19.Vai Vedral 'Excerpt From' Algeria (3:44)
20.Un Amor (3:42)

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2005 - Sergei Trofanov & Djelem - Gypsy Voyage

Страна: Canada
Жанр: Violin Instrumental
Год выпуска : 2005
Формат: Flac
Тип рипа : tracks +.cue
Битрейт аудио : lossless
Продолжительность: 43 minutes 29 seconds + 1 hour 7 minutes 56 seconds

1. Pole (2:38)
2. Dorogi (2:12)
3. Bozo (3:51)
4. The Dawn (3:55)
5. Lautar Hora (4:17)
6. Tisha Navkrugi (2:59)
7. Boucles D'or (4:59)
8. Hungarian Czardas (4:21)
9. Pour Une Derniere Fois (3:23)
10. Full Moon (2:39)
11. Moldova (4:36)
12. Corsica (3:39)

1. Montreal-Quebec (3:43)
2. Bulgarian Souvenir (3:20)
3. Romanian Hora (2:23)
4. Russian Gypsy Songs (My Sweetheart. Gypsy Flame. Par Bassarabie) (5:52)
5. Shine My Star (4:49)
6. Goutzoulka (7:35)
7. Tiha Voda (6:09)
8. Yamshick (4:38)
9. Sochi (3:34)
10. Dark Eyes - Two Guitars (6:47)
11. Djelem - My Dark Eyed Lady (6:32)
12. Nostalgia (3:30)
13. Pan Flute Melody (4:39)
14. Codru (4:25)

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2005 - The Complete Gypsy Passion

Страна: Canada
Жанр: Violin Instrumental
Год выпуска : 2005
Формат: Flac
Тип рипа : tracks +.cue
Битрейт аудио : lossless
Продолжительность: 41 minutes 29 seconds+ 40 minutes 58 seconds

Трэклист - CD1:

1. Dark Eyes (2:08)
2. Two Guitars (4:57)
3. Yiddish Mamme (3:02)
4. Hungarian Dance No 5 (2:51)
5. Goldilocks (5:16)
6. Gnossienne No 1 (3:40)
7. Czardas (4:55)
8. The Dawn (4:12)
9. The Skylark (2:17)
10. Night Fall (4:21)
11. Russian Gypsy (3:50)

Трэклист - CD2:

1. Adios (4:30)
2. La Boheme (4:16)
3. Beltz (3:49)
4. Vai Vedrai_Excerpt From Alegria (3:44)
5. Moldova (4:37)
6. Summer of 42 (3:28)
7. Russian Medley (3:52)
8. Yamshick (2:39)
9. Greensleeves (2:39)
10.Corsica (3:42)
11.Un Amor (3:42)

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2006 - Gypsy Violin Around the World

Жанр:Violin Instrumental
Страна: Canada
Год выпуска: 2006
Аудио кодек : FLAC
Тип рипа : tracks +.cue
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 50 minutes 36 seconds

1. Yumeji's Theme (2:52)
2. Oblivion (2:49)
3. Golden Earrings (4:03)
4. Dark Eyes (3:43)
5. Two Guitars (4:34)
6. Pole (3:07)
7. Kalinka (3:54)
8. Fiddler on the Roof (3:50)
9. Mohnatiy Shmely (4:28)
10. Lume Lume (3:31)
11. Concierto De Aranjuez-Adagio (3:44)
12. Dark Eyes (Instrumental) (2:11)
13. Two Guitars (Instrumental) (4:59)
14. Hungarian Dance No.5_J.Brahms (2:51)

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4 пользователя(ей) сказали cпасибо:
аист (08.02.2020), Alex95 (09.02.2020), MrGlenn (09.02.2020), philis (21.12.2020)


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