01. The Motions - Wasted words
02. Les Baroques - Such a cad
03. Sandy Coast - We'll meet again
04. Rudy Bennett - How can we hang on to a dream
05. The Shoes - Peace and privacy
06. The Buffoons - Tomorrow is another day
07. Ro-D-Ys - Just fancy
08. Tee Set - Tea is famous
09. Bojoura - Everybody's day
10. Groep 1850 - Mother no-head
11. Ro-D-Ys - Sleep sleep sleep
12. The Eddysons
13. Zen – Hair
14. Roek's Family - Get yourself a ticket
15. Golden Earrings - Dong dong diki diki dong
16. Shocking Blue – Venus
17. The Cats – Why
18. Tee Set - Ma belle amie