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Âëàäèìèð (SVS) 29.11.2015 13:28

Jefferson Airplane «Volunteers» 1969 (Limited Edition 1990 *24KT Gold*) (lossless)
Jefferson Airplane «Volunteers» 1969 (Limited Edition 1990 *24KT Gold*)


Æàíð: Rock / Classic Rock / Psychedelic Rock
Íîñèòåëü: CD
Ñòðàíà-ïðîèçâîäèòåëü äèñêà: US
Ãîä âûõîäà àëüáîìà: 1969
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ äèñêà: 1990
Èçäàòåëü (ëåéáë): Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab
Íîìåð ïî êàòàëîãó: MFSL UDCD 540
Ñòðàíà èñïîëíèòåëÿ: US

Àóäèîêîäåê: WavPack (*.wv)
Òèï ðèïà: image+.cue
Áèòðåéò àóäèî: lossless
Ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòü: 44:38

Èñòî÷íèê (ðåëèçåð): KoGGaN™
Íàëè÷èå ñêàíîâ: äà





01. We Can Be Together (05:49)
02. Good Shepherd (04:22)
03. The Farm (03:14)
04. Hey Fredrick (08:33)
05. Turn My Life Down (02:56)
06. Wooden Ships (06:28)
07. Eskimo Blue Day (06:36)
08. A Song For All Seasons (03:29)
09. Meadowlands (01:04)
10. Volunteers (02:02)


«Volunteers» is a 1969 album by American psychedelic rock band, Jefferson Airplane, released as RCA Victor LSP-4238.
It was also released in a Quadrophonic version in 1973 as RCA Quadradisc APD1-0320 using the discrete CD-4 system from JVC.
It was controversial at the time because of anti-war messages of certain songs and occasional use of profanity in the lyrics.
The original title of the album was intended to be Volunteers of Amerika, but after objections from
Volunteers of America the name was shortened.


Grace Slick – Vocals, Piano on «The Farm», «Hey Fredrick», «Eskimo Blue Day», and «Volunteers»,
organ on «Meadowlands», recorder on «Eskimo Blue Day»
Paul Kantner – Vocals, Rhythm Guitar
Marty Balin – Vocals, Percussion
Jorma Kaukonen – Lead Guitar, Vocals
Jack Casady – Bass
Spencer Dryden – Drums, Percussion

Additional personnel:

Nicky Hopkins – Piano on «We Can Be Together», «Hey Fredrick», «Wooden Ships», «A Song for All Seasons», and «Volunteers»
Stephen Stills – Hammond Organ on «Turn My Life Down»
Jerry Garcia – Pedal Steel Guitar on «The Farm»
Joey Covington – Congas on «Turn My Life Down», chair on «Eskimo Blue Day»
David Crosby – Sailboat on «Wooden Ships»
Ace of Cups – Vocals on «The Farm» and «Turn My Life Down»
Bill Laudner – Lead Vocals on «A Song for All Seasons»


Ultradisc™ 24 KT Gold CD from Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab «Original Master Recording» collection.

Ⓟ & Ⓒ 1969 RCA Records, a division of BMG Music.
Made In USA.

✹ Ñêà÷àòü ✹

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