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савабла 27.10.2014 14:48

David Hasselhoff - Greatest Hits (2004) lossless


David Hasselhoff - Greatest Hits (2004)
Euro Disco, Euro Pop
APE (Image+Cue+Log+Covers)
561,69 MB
Tracklist + Tracklinks for preview in MP3:
1. Is Everybody Happy
2. Je t'aime Means I Love You
3. Torero - Te quiero
4. Looking for Freedom
5. Flying on the Wings of Tenderness
6. Song of the Night
7. Crazy for You
8. Passion
9. September Love
10. Let's Dance Tonight
11. Freedom for the World
12. Do the Limbo Dance
13. Hands up for Rock'n Roll
14. Everybody Sunshine
15. Joined at the Heart
16. The Girl Forever
17. Hit-Medley


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